Friday, March 18, 2011

The Best Ways To Hit A Golf Ball With An Iron

Learning strike a golf ball with an iron can greatly improve your golf game.

Many golfers spend the majority of their golf practice either hitting with their driver, pitching wedge or putter. However, golfers use irons as much as any other club. Hitting a consistent iron shot keeps the ball in the fairway or on to the green, lowering scores. Learning hit a consistent golf shot with an iron requires learning basic fundamentals and practicing those skills.

Swing Smoothly

Practice a smooth takeaway from the ball, and a fluid swing into and through the ball. A slow swing delivers shorter shots and inconsistent motion. A hard swing often causes your head to move off the ball and throws off your balance and alignment. The resulting action produces many mishit balls.

Maintain a Quiet Head

Watch the ball throughout the swing, keeping your head still. This helps maintain balance in your swing. You also see the ball better when your head remains quiet, allowing you to trust your hands to follow your eyes and strike the ball cleanly. Your swing should meet the ball directly underneath your eyes.

Keep Lead Arm Straight

Swing with your lead arm straight throughout your motion. This helps maintain a consistent length in your swing, from your takeaway to your follow through. When you bend your lead arm during your swing, the length of the swing shortens. This creates inconsistent contact with the ball, producing shots that are often shorter and less straight.

Follow Through

Strike the ball and finish your swing with your club head going in the direction you want your ball to go. Many beginning golfers strike the ball and then cut off their follow through. This takes power away from the shot. Following through creates more power striking through the ball, rather than just into the ball. A straight follow through should also produce a divot that points in the direction of the target.

Tags: your swing, follow through, your head, helps maintain, This helps, This helps maintain