Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breast Cancer Type 2

The stage of a cancer describes how much it has developed. Breast cancer is broken into four stages, each with a specific description. Type 2 breast cancer, the second stage, isn't as life threatening as stage 4, advanced breast cancer. Type 2 is also known as invasive stage 2 breast cancer.


Type 2 breast cancer is divided into two categories: Type 2 A and Type 2 B. Tumors may or may not be present in Type 2 A breast cancer. Cancer cells may be present in the lymph nodes found under the arm pits which are known as the axillary lymph nodes.


The size of tumors found in Type 2 A breast cancer ranges from less than two centimeters to more than two centimeters but not more than five centimeters. In Type 2 B breast cancer, tumors range from two centimeters to five centimeters. Cancerous cells may or may not spread to the lymph nodes under the arm pits (axillary lymph nodes).


Oncologists recommend that women 40 years and older get a mammogram each year. Women under 40 years old should get a breast exam by a doctor each year. All women should examine their own breasts each month.


According to oncologists and public health experts, Type 2 breast cancer is correlated to smoking. Incidence of Type 2 breast cancer can also be related to poor eating and health habits and lack of exercise.


Type 2 breast cancer can be treated by either radiation and chemotherapy or both treatments. Some women opt for partial or radical mastectomies.

Tags: breast cancer, Type breast, Type breast cancer, lymph nodes, axillary lymph