Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Use Essential Oil To Keep Your Home Insect Free

Use Essential Oil To Keep Your Home Insect Free

Many commercial insect repellents and insecticides contain noxious chemicals and poisonous ingredients that are harmful to humans and pets. Pure and natural essential oils are an effective alternative. The volatile essential oils of aromatic plants are obtained by several different methods of extraction including hydro-distillation, direct steam distillation and water and steam distillation. Choose wild-crafted or certified organic, therapeutic-grade essential oils.


1. Ants avoid orange oil.

Repel an ant infestation with orange essential oil. Ants will not cross a doorway or window sill that has been sprayed with orange essential oil. Add 1/2 oz. of orange essential oil to 3 oz. of white vinegar. Place in a spray bottle and mist ant pathways and points of entry.

2. Cockroaches spread disease.

Rid you home of cockroaches with the essence of aromatic plants. Mix 30 drops of orange oil with 1 oz. of olive oil. Use to wipe down door jams and window sills. Sprinkle a few drops in the garbage pail. Use a mixture of 30 drops of essential oil (orange, lemon or grapefruit) combined with 1 cup white vinegar, 1 cup water and 1/3 cup organic liquid dish-washing soap. Use the mixture to wipe off appliances, counter tops, cabinets and any place cockroaches hide.

3. Avoid toxic chemicals in your living space. If moths infest your woolens or linens, avoid dangerous commercial mothballs containing naphthalene. Natural essential oils such as red clover, lavender, lemongrass, cedar or rosemary repel moths and keep clothing and linens fresh-smelling without the unpleasant smell of mothballs. Place a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and tuck inside closets, cabinets, sleeping bags and luggage.

4. Many spider bites are toxic to humans.

Send spiders scurrying with the aromatic scent of lavender. Spiders will not take up residence in an area where the scent is present. Add 10 to 12 drops to a home humidifier to refresh indoor air, aid with respiratory problems and rid the area of spiders.

5. Chase mites with eucalyptus essential oil. Add to either the wash or rinse cycle of the laundry. Add 20 drops of oil to an average size load of laundry. When adding to the rinse cycle, add 1 cup of white vinegar. You will never use chemical-laden dryer sheets again. Your laundry will be fluffy, soft and wrinkle-free. Vinegar and eucalyptus banish mold and musty odors, leaving fabrics fresh and clean-smelling.

Tags: essential oils, orange essential, white vinegar, aromatic plants, drops essential, Essential Keep