Friday, September 11, 2009

Deep Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy


As soon as you find out you are pregnant the worrying begins. Learn do deep breathing exercises while you are pregnant and you will feel much more relaxed. Also, you can use these exercises to help control and alleviate pain when it is time to have the baby.

Exercise 1

This exercise can be done anywhere. Sit in a chair and rest your hands on your lap with your shoulders relaxed. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose from the midpoint of your stomach while counting to five in your head. Keep your mouth and eyes closed. Hold the breath for three seconds. As you exhale, slowly count to five. Repeat 10 times. Do this exercise three to four times daily.

Exercise 2

This exercise can also be done anywhere. Sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight and head inclined slightly forward. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. To begin, count "one" to yourself as you exhale. The next time you exhale, count "two," and so on up to "five." Do this exercise for 10 minutes daily.

Exercise 3

For this exercise, you will need to lie down on your back. Bend your knees so that the bottom of your feet are on the floor. Take a deep breath and let your stomach rise up. Hold breath for four seconds and slowly exhale. Repeat this exercise five times. Do this exercise for five minutes daily.

Tags: this exercise, count five, daily Exercise, done anywhere, exercise five, Exercise This, Hold breath