Monday, May 11, 2009

Use Essential Oils For Skin Care

Use Essential Oils for Skin Care

Smell great and get soft skin with essential oils. The very same essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy are perfect for relieving dry skin, taming oily pores and even reducing stretch marks. Mix and match these essential oils to your skin condition and rub out the problems.


1. Determine what you would like to do for your skin. If you would like to moisturize, you will use different oils than someone trying to minimize stretch marks or cellulite.

2. Mix a few drops of lavender, sandalwood or rose oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil and rub into dry areas.

3. Swirl a few drops of lavender oil into a high-quality, unscented lotion or cream for all-over moisture.

4. Draw a bath and while the water is running drop in six to 10 drops of chamomile or lavender. Soak in the oils for about 20 minutes for maximum softness.

5. Attack stretch marks with neroli oil. Rub a few drops of neroli oil directly onto stretch marks. Dilute neroli with a carrier oil and rub into problem areas generously. This floral scent also combines well with lavender which also moisturizes skin.

6. Soak for about 20 minutes in a bath of 15 drops of lemon or juniper oil to reduce cellulite. Try geranium instead for a more floral scent and an added benefit, geranium can also improve circulation.

7. Tame oily skin with a few drops of rosemary or cedarwood oil. Add a few drops of each to 1 cup of witch hazel for a homemade facial toner.

Tags: stretch marks, essential oils, about minutes, drops lavender, Essential Oils Skin, floral scent