Thursday, February 14, 2013

Prevention & Treatment For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer causes the most cancer deaths in American women after lung cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. Many cases of breast cancer may be prevented through lifestyle changes, and early diagnosis through self exams and mammograms can catch the disease at early stages when it is more easily treated. Treatments for breast cancer include various types of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, which may be used in combination or separately.


Lifestyle choices such as avoiding alcohol and smoking, exercising regularly, avoiding long-term hormone replacement therapy, maintaining a healthy weight and breastfeeding can prevent breast cancer.


Medication may be taken by women to prevent breast cancer. It is called chemoprevention, and includes the use of tamoxifen and raloxifene.

Preventive Surgery

Women with a very high risk of breast cancer may consider preventive mastectomy of one or both breasts.


Lumpectomy is the removal of a tumor and a small amount of adjacent tissue.


Partial mastectomy removes the cancer and some healthy tissue; simple mastectomy removes one breast; modified radical mastectomy removes a breast plus the nearby lymph nodes and skin to treat breast cancer.

Radiation therapy

According to the Mayo Clinic, radiation therapy after surgery is the standard care for breast cancer treatment.


Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells and is used in women after surgery, especially in cancers that have spread outside of the breast.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, mastectomy removes, after surgery, mastectomy removes breast, Mayo Clinic