Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Benefit Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has been mined in the Badakskahn region of Afghanistan for 6,000 years

Lapis lazuli is a fairly rare semi-precious stone, consisting of various minerals (predominantly lazurite). It is highly esteemed for its vibrant blue color and often sold in jewelry form as necklaces, charms or stone-set rings. Lapis has been prized since antiquity for its purported healing properties and also used in the architecture of ancient buildings in Syria and Egypt. High-grade lapis has been mined for over 6,000 years in the Badakshan area of Afghanistan, and has also been unearthed in regions of Siberia, Pakistan, Chile and the U.S.


People living in the Middle Ages believed lapis could maintain the human skeleton in a strong and vigorous state and shield the human spirit from the consuming emotions of fear and jealousy. Lapis lazuli was also believed to aid depression, insomnia, fevers and disorders of the throat and lungs. In ancient times, lapis lazuli was also considered a sacred stone, which brought forth the blue of the sky and thus the "light of God" into the world. It was often the favored stone of ancient rulers, Egyptian kings and royal families.


The majority of lapis stones are mined from Afghanistan and the finest rocks are sometimes utilized as carvings for jewelry boxes or as attractive center pieces for necklaces or rings. Lapis lazuli is often employed by individuals who construct their own jewelry as it can often be attained in bead form. Stones also tend to be inexpensive as compared to gold as it is measured in grams rather than carats (a carat equates to roughly a half of a gram).


Lapis lazuli has an intense blue color, with a slight hint of violet. Lesser grade lapis contains white smudges, indicative of the presence of calcite which depreciates the value of the stone. In contrast, stones with the deepest blues are highly prized, especially those with thin lines of pyrite -often referred to as "fool's gold"- glistening upon its surface. It is these stones that lapis miners are most keen to discover.


Lapis lazuli rocks are considered to be a symbolic stone, representing truth, friendship and spiritual harmony. Lapis is the traditional birthstone for the month of December and is considered an appropriate gem as a gift for a seventh or ninth wedding anniversary. In astrology, lapis figures as the planetary stone for Capricorn and the Zodiac stone for Libra.


Just as in ancient times, lapis is still prized in the present day for it's purported qualities of enlightenment and spiritual healing. It is often employed by those wishing to achieve enhanced meditative states, sharpen the mind's psychic capacities and bring about spiritual purification. For those who believe in the "chakra" view of creation as a consistently turning wheel or flower, lapis is said to stimulate the chakras of the brow and the throat to summon higher guidance and refine intuition. It is thus considered by many to be a "gateway" stone which can lead to deep and lasting insights into the spirit world.

Tags: Lapis lazuli, ancient times, ancient times lapis, been mined, blue color, lazuli also