Monday, November 22, 2010

Avoid Carbs To Lower Triglycerides

Triglycerides are stored by the body as fats and are often linked with fat molecules, such as cholesterol. Having a high content of triglycerides in the blood can lead to obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Having a high level of these fatty molecules is often linked to overeating, alcohol abuse and an underactive thyroid. You can lower triglycerides by avoiding carbs when you eat the right foods.


1. Eat low carbohydrate fish, such as salmon, daily to increase protein and cut down on carbohydrates. Excess carbs are converted into triglycerides that lead to fat deposits.

2. Consume raw foods in abundance, including salads and other greens. Increase consumption of fibers such as soy, flaxseed and bran. These foods are lower in carbs and calories. Include citrus fruits in your diet daily to assist in cleaning the blood of triglycerides.

3. Eat good fats and eliminate bad fats. Get rid of all processed foods in your diet, including any vegetable oil products to keep triglyceride levels low. In addition, stay away from fast foods altogether. Increase your intake of olive oil and flaxseed oil to increase the level of unsaturated (good) fats. Foods that contain saturated fat also contain high levels of carbohydrates.

4. Increase protein to lower triglycerides. Include lean chicken, low fat cuts of meat and turkey in your diet. In addition, include seafood such as shrimp, crab and lobster. Lean meats are filling and have fewer carbs.

5. Limit desserts to low-fat yogurt, sherbet or Jello. In addition, avoid sugary beverages and drink either water, tea, coffee or other no-calorie drinks to avoid carbs and lower triglyceride levels.

Tags: your diet, good fats, Having high, lower triglycerides, often linked