Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prostate Surgery Side Effects

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among American men. Treatment options range from "watchful waiting" to surgeries. Many men find they are not prepared for some of the side effects, and up to 20 percent later regret the decision to have surgery.

Sexual Side Effects

Many men who undergo prostate surgery experience sexual side effects. Nerve damage can occur during prostate cancer surgery, and that could lead to temporary or even permanent erectile dysfunction. Some men regain the ability to have an erection, but find they cannot maintain it like they did prior to the surgery.


Many men experience some battles with incontinence for up to a year following prostate surgery. In 95 percent of all cases, urinary control eventually returns.

Hormone therapy

If the prostate cancer is found to have spread, doctors may advise hormone therapy. This treatment lowers testosterone levels, which can lead to a loss of libido, inability to achieve or maintain an erection and less semen during climax.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is an increasingly common way to deal with overgrown prostate tissue. While this procedure has fewer side effects than many other prostate surgeries, it can lead to painful urination in the days following the operation. Some men may also experience retrograde ejaculation, a condition in which semen is redirected into the bladder during orgasm.

Time Frame

Many men find recovery from sexual and other side effects takes place within a few weeks of the procedure. For others, it can take a year or longer for full recovery, and a small percentage experience permanent effects.

Tags: find they, Many find, prostate surgery, side effects, Side Effects, side effects