Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stay Calm Before A Job Interview

With a few techniques you will calmly approach your job interview.

It's important to make a great impression when you go for a job interview, and this includes remaining calm and composed. If you look flustered and nervous, you won't appear confident. Fortunately, it's simple to calm your nerves before you start a job interview.


1. Arrive early. If you're late, you'll be upset and distracted. Give yourself at least 10 or 15 minutes in the waiting room to calm your nerves before the interview.

2. Breathe deeply. Deep-breathing exercises are great for relaxing your body and de-stressing your mind. Slowly inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale completely through your mouth. Do this for 30 seconds or even a few minutes.

3. Meditate. Even if you're not the type of person who usually meditates, repeating a calming phrase or word over and over again can help ease your anxiety. Try a word like "confidence" or "peace."

4. Relax your muscles. Mentally assess all your muscles - in your arms, legs, neck and shoulders. As you think of these muscles, do your best to relax them. A relaxed body will help you feel calm.

5. Be prepared. You're more likely to feel calm if you have already done your homework. Review any information you brought about the company, and mentally rehearse some of the questions you plan to ask.

6. Imagine a peaceful scene. If everything else fails, use some mental imagery to calm your emotions. Imagine a peaceful scene - such as a serene beach or a mountain stream - while you wait for your interview to begin.

Tags: calm your, calm your nerves, feel calm, Imagine peaceful, Imagine peaceful scene, muscles your