Monday, January 24, 2011

Use The Lactational Amenorrhea Method Of Birth Control

Mother nature has a birth control option for new mothers. It’s called the lactation amenorrhea method (LAM). It refers to the period of time after childbirth when mothers can prevent getting pregnant by nursing their babies. Experts say if done correctly this method of birth control is 98% effective.


1. Meet the requirements to ensure that the LAM will be effective. You are meeting the requirements if you are breastfeeding exclusively, your period hasn’t returned and your baby is less than six months old.

2. Find out if you are breastfeeding the correct way. This is very important since the baby’s sucking is what will keep you from getting pregnant. That’s because the suckling prevents your body from producing the hormones that are necessary for ovulation. Have a lactation consultant observe you while you are nursing to make sure that the baby is properly latched on.

3. Spend enough time breastfeeding. To increase your chances for success you should breastfeed right after delivery, whenever the baby wants to instead of following a schedule, without bottles or pacifiers, without long time lapses between feedings, and during the day and at night.

Tags: getting pregnant