Friday, January 14, 2011

Exercises To Reduce Back Pain

Back pain results from many different types of injuries and conditions. Often a person continues to feel back pain because they do not do simple exercises to increase back strength and flexibility. You can reduce your back pain without a personal trainer, gym membership or expensive equipment.

Aerobic Activity

Back pain can stop a person from leading an active lifestyle. Regardless of pain, it is important to maintain a healthy heart through aerobic activity. It is additionally important to lose excess weight or prevent weight gain from inactivity. Carrying less weight means less stress on the back and spine.

Aerobic activities that are low impact are the best choices if you are experiencing back pain. Examples of low-impact activities are swimming, cycling and walking. Swimming and water aerobics are ideal because they do not place any weight on the spine. Start slowly and increase aerobic activity as you build stamina.


If you are experiencing back pain, there is most likely a position that makes you feel most comfortable. For some people this is a sitting position where the both the back and hips are flexed. Other people feel better in a standing position where the hip and back are extended. Knowing what makes you feel better can help you improve your stretching effectiveness.

If you are more comfortable when standing, then you will benefit most by extension stretches. The cobra yoga stretch where you lay on your belly and raise your upper torso stretching it to the sky while supporting yourself on your hands provides a lower back release. Raising a leg and alternating arm while on all fours like a pointer dog is also a good stretch for extending the spine.

If sitting is more comfortable you can do flexion exercises that work on the stomach and abdomen area. Bringing your knees to your chest is one such stretch and curl-ups is another. Curls ups have you lie on your back with your legs extended to the sky and you bring your torso up to your knees (or as high as possible).


When trying to relieve back pain, you need to improve core muscle strength. The core of your body is throughout the abdomen, back, buttocks and thigh muscles. Avoid exercises that increase your pain, and start with low weights. Squats, lunges and crunches can help increase core strength and provide support for the spine.

Avoid stretches and exercises that require you to touch your toes from a standing position. Do not do sit ups with your legs extended completely and refrain from doing leg lifts as these can cause acute pain in the back and worsen symptoms. Check with your doctor prior to starting any exercise program.

Tags: back pain, exercises that, with your, aerobic activity, Back pain, because they, experiencing back