Monday, November 1, 2010

Evergreen Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbal remedies are often prescribed in extract form because of their bitter taste.

Evergreen Herbs & Medical Supplies is a California-based company that produces classically-prepared traditional Chinese herbal remedies for TCM -- Traditional Chinese Medicine -- practitioners. The herbs are offered to healthcare providers as extracts that come in uniform, sterile doses. Patients use the herbs as a primary remedy or healthcare supplement or in conjunction with Western medical treatment. In most cases, herbs are safe to use with other prescription medications but use of any herbal supplements should be cleared with healthcare professionals.

Chinese Herbal Tradition

Traditional Chinese Medicine is thousands of years old and was the standard for medical treatment in China until the time of the early- to mid-twentieth century Cultural Revolution. Under Mao, traditional medicine was discounted in favor of Western medical practices. The Chinese professionals and herbalists were persecuted and forbidden to treat patients; many medical tracts were lost. But the tradition stayed alive in the countryside where there were no Western medical options. The revival of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the 1950s on integrates the practices of Western medicine in a fusion approach that takes the best from each. TCM practitioners in the U.S. train for years to master the Chinese formulas and diagnostic techniques.

Three-Stage Herbal Treatment

In general, a health problem receives a 3-stage course of treatment using Chinese herbs. The initial treatment deals with alleviating symptoms of the illness, using herbs to relieve pain, imbalances and dysfunctions to restore a sense of wellness to the patient. Immediately following the cessation of symptoms, a new remedy is prescribed that will get at the underlying cause for the dis-ease and resolve the reason the problem occurred. This part of the treatment can take months, depending on individual health factors. Once the patient has been cured of the imbalance that caused the disease, restorative herbs are given to strengthen the immune system and maintain sound health.

Types of Herbs

Herbs used in Chinese medicine may be decocted -- prepared by boiling in water as a tea -- dried to powder or enclosed in capsules. The taste of the herbs is often bitter and many Western patients prefer the capsules. Evergreen asserts that its herbs are grown organically, not taken from endangered wild stock, meticulously tested for contaminants such as pesticides, molds, metals, and bacteria, prepared in sterile laboratories and reviewed by herbalists, microbiologists and biochemists for exact formulas and purity. The herbs are professional-grade extracts distributed to certified TCM practitioners. They are not available over-the-counter. Single herbs include plants like artemisia, ginkgo nut, white peony, pulsatilla, tea leaf, hibiscus root and many less familiar names. The herbs also come in formulas designed to treat specific conditions.

TCM Herbs and Government Approvals

Herbs used as remedies in Traditional Chinese Medicine are considered to be dietary supplements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a relatively new treatment option in the U.S. and the herbs are not certified as medicines. Consult your health-care provider and a certified TCM practitioner before using herbal extracts to treat a medical condition or improve general health.

Tags: Traditional Chinese, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Western medical, Chinese herbal remedies, general health, herbal remedies