Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Upper Abdominal Pain Symptoms

With the exception of the brain, all of our major organs area located in our chest and abdomen. All too often we have abdominal pain and dismiss it as "just a stomachache." But abdominal pain shouldn't be taken lightly. We need to understand that pains located between the chest and waist can often be something far more serious than a mere stomachache. What we think is "just something I ate" might in fact be "just something that can kill me." The following are symptoms of common but serious conditions:


Poisoning can be first noticed as extremely sharp abdominal pains accompanied by other symptoms. These other symptoms often include vomiting, dizziness and sweating. People die every day from poisoning, so if you show any of the signs, go immediately to an emergency room or call an ambulance.


Severe pain begins in the abdomen and then spreads around to the back. Often the pain is first noticed after eating or six to twelve hours after consuming alcohol. Other symptoms include a fast heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, fever and yellow skin. Pancreatitis is extremely dangerous. It can cause shock and death. So if you exhibit these symptoms call an ambulance or go to the nearest emergency room.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

The first noticeable symptoms are usually extremely sharp abdominal pain. Pelvic inflammatory disease is severe in itself, and because of the similarity of the early symptoms to several other serious illnesses, the best course of action is to get to a hospital immediately.

Heart Attack

A heart attack doesn't always follow the rules when it comes to the symptoms we've all heard of. It doesn't always begin as pain exactly at the heart and sometimes to the left. A heart attack can begin as extremely sharp abdominal pains. Don't waste time trying to decide if it's really a heart attack or not. Call an ambulance or get a ride to the nearest emergency room.

Shock from Allergy

Any part of the body can display an allergic reaction, and this includes reactions in the abdomen. Like other illnesses that begin as sharp abdominal pain, take this one seriously and seek medical help immediately.

Perforated stomach ulcer

When we think of stomach pains we think of pains located in the lower abdomen, not the upper abdomen. But with something as painful and serious as a perforated stomach ulcer, the exact location of the source of the pain is often difficult to pinpoint. Don't take chances. Call an ambulance or go to the emergency room.

Diabetic emergency

A diabetic emergency can begin with sharp abdominal pains. Take these pains seriously and seek emergency medical help.

Tags: sharp abdominal, emergency room, abdominal pains, extremely sharp, extremely sharp abdominal, heart attack