Monday, January 18, 2010

Instructions For Yoga Breathing Exercises For Weight Loss

Pranayama, or the breathing techniques of yoga, has many forms. Pranayama can be translated as "breath control" from the Sanskrit words "prana," or life force/breath, and "yama," or control/restriction. With an experienced teacher and devoted practice, yoga can help you master prana and gain power over your mind and senses. With this power, hopefully you can successfully control those cravings that often lead to overindulgence.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Begin this three-phased exercise in a reclined position, using folded blankets to support the spine and head if necessary. The head should be slightly elevated. Place your hands on the lower belly, just above the naval. Inhale through your nose, expanding the belly in all directions. Exhale, contracting the lower torso to push the air out. Next, place your hands on the side of the rib cage. Inhale, lifting the lower belly noticing the air expanding the ribs. Exhale, repeating for a few breaths. Finally, place your hands on the upper chest. Breath into your hands by filling the upper chest. Exhale and repeat for a few breaths. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing reduces stress and brings greater mindfulness to the body, which can help you control cravings and overeating.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi breathing is perhaps the most commonly practiced breath in yoga classes. It's created by toning the epiglottis at the back of the throat in order to make a whispered "ha" sound. Inhale through your nose while slightly constricting the muscles at the back of the throat. Exhale through your nose, creating the same sound. Try to keep the duration of your breath smooth and even throughout the inhalation and exhalation. Ujjayi breathing soothes the nervous system and promotes calmness and peace of mind. It brings your attention into your body and away from external cravings.

Vyana Breath

While standing, take a deep breath extending the arms as wide as possible. Concentrate on filling the heart and lungs with energy. Keep your arms wide apart as you retain the breath. Visualize your energy expanding from the heart, through the blood stream and the entire body and limbs, and out the hands and feet to the external world. Close your arms with your exhalation, returning the energy back to your heart. The vyana breath heals the circulatory and musculoskeletal systems. It increases energy and coordination for those engaged in physical activity for weight loss.

Bhastrika Breath

Sit in a comfortable position. Relax your shoulders and take a few deep breaths from your belly. Begin by exhaling forcefully through your nose. Follow with deep inhalations through your nose. Your breathing should come entirely from the diaphragm while the rest of the body remains still. Complete a cycle of 10 exhalations/inhalations while noticing the sensations in your body. Repeat a second cycle of 20, followed by a third cycle of 30 breaths, pausing 30 seconds between rounds. This breath helps reduce body weight and fat by increasing your digestive power and aiding your metabolism.

Tags: through your, through your nose, your nose, your hands, arms wide