Monday, June 8, 2009

Identify Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections are known as onychomycosis. Although anybody can get a fungal nail infection, it is more commonly seen in older adults. People with certain health conditions such as diabetes are more susceptible to nail infections. Being aware is an important part of getting help for fungal nail infections. Below you will find a way to identify fungal nail infections so you can get help for them.


examine the Nails to Recognize Fungal Nail Infections

1. Inspect the nail carefully. A white or yellowish discoloration and/or thickening of the nail are common indicators of fungal nail infection.

2. Touch or tap the nail. There may be tenderness or pain when the nail is touched if a fungal infection is present.

3. Inspect the area around the nail for swelling and/or redness.

4. Examine the nail for white areas.

5. Look carefully at the edge of the nail. It may lift up from the bed, loosen or even fall off when fungal nail infection is present.

6. Observe the color of the nail. If the nail appears to have a greenish or black discoloration, this is a sign of bacterial infection.

7. See your doctor if even a couple of the symptoms pertain to your nail. They can give you a full diagnosis.

Tags: fungal nail, fungal nail infection, nail infection, Fungal Nail Infections, fungal nail infections, infection present, nail infections