Friday, February 20, 2009

What To Do When You Hate Your Job

It would be wonderful if everyone could absolutely adore their jobs. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a person despises his job. When you hate your job, you may feel like it will never get better and that you are stuck with no other options; this is far from the truth.

Give Yourself a Break

Take a couple of days off from work where you have no contact with your employer and you are not around anything that has to do with your job. Give yourself time to think and time to take a breather. You may feel overwhelmed but, after a break, you may have a different perspective and a clear mind to make the appropriate decisions.

Contemplate What You Hate About Your Job

There can be many reasons why you hate your job. Maybe you do not like your boss, you have an inconsiderate co-worker or you feel like you do not have enough responsibility. Whatever the reason is, when you pinpoint what exactly about your job makes you unhappy, you can begin to make the appropriate changes.

Make Decisions and Changes

After you know what makes you unhappy you can begin to deal with the situation. For example, if you do not feel you are getting enough responsibility talk to your boss and see if you can give you more important tasks. If you feel, as a whole, that the job or field is no longer for you, it may be time for you to change jobs.

Make Financial Changes

When you hate your job and are considering leaving, you should begin saving more money and cutting back on spending. Should you need to take a pay cut or you lose your job, you know you have an extra financial cushion just in case.

Look For a New Job

Look on several job websites for a position that you believe better suit your needs and begin applying. Some sites to consider are,, and You may also want to view for jobs offered by the Federal Government. Send out your resume and talk to people you know that may be able to help you find another job.

Avoid Complaining

If you approach your boss about making changes, avoid making it sound like you are complaining about the position. In addition, do not complain about your position, work, co-workers or boss to anyone else. You may feel tempted because you are so unhappy with work, but your complaints could get back to the wrong people.

Tags: hate your, your boss, about your, enough responsibility, feel like