Friday, January 18, 2013

Calculate Weight Watchers Points

Calculate Weight Watchers Points

You can calculate the Weight Watchers point value for food items or meals if you know the formula and know where to look. Follow these steps.


Calculate the Point Value Yourself

1. Look at the food item's packaging or lable for nutrional values. Divide the calories by 50.

2. Divide the total fat grams by 12.

3. Add the values from Steps One and Two to get the value of "X."

4. Divide the dietary fiber grams by 5 to equal "Y."

5. Take "X minus Y" to find the point value of the food item. Round up values higher than .5 and round down for values lower than .5.

Determine the Point Value with the Weight Watchers Calculator

6. Purchase s Weight Watchers calculator from their website.

7. Push the "compute food" button.

8. At the prompt, enter the calories, the fat and the fiber amounts for the food item. Push "Enter" after each entry.

9. The calculator will give you the point value and you can choose to subtract that amount from your daily allotted points by pushing "Enter" again at the end.

Tags: Weight Watchers, food item, Calculate Weight, point value, point value food, value food