Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Can Prostate Cancer Be Cured

Cancer is a major concern for the majority of people living in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that in 2008, cancer was the second leading cause of death other than heart disease. Besides skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer, affecting one in six men. Although it is treatable, especially if caught in the early stages, there is no cure currently available for prostate cancer.

Time Frame

The American Cancer Society measures survival rates by the percentage of people who have survived after a certain amount of time has passed since their initial diagnoses. This rate is measured in increments of five years and, according to the ACS, there is a 100 percent survival rate after the first five years. The survival rates of prostate cancer patients do decrease with time--15 years after the first diagnoses of prostate cancer, the survival rate is 76 percent.


As with most cancers, prostate cancer treatment is most effective when the cancer is detected early. Detection methods such as PSA (prostate specific antigen) and DRE (digital rectal exam) are commonly used. Most physicians recommend that men begin receiving these exams after age 50. Although no detection method is full proof, finding the cancer early means beginning treatment earlier and possibly saving a person's life.


Prostate cancer in its early stages do not usually cause any noticeable symptoms, which is a reason that screenings are important. Usually, when symptoms do begin to appear, like difficulty urinating or obtaining an erection, the cancer is in a later stage. Also, some of these same symptoms indicate other issues that may have nothing to do with prostate cancer, such as prostatitis.


There are many treatments available for patients with prostate cancer. Chemotherapy is an option, along with radiation. This combination is typical for patients with prostate cancer. Physicians also use hormone therapy to battle the disease. One resort is prostatectomy, which is the removal of the prostate gland. Other physicians choose to just watch and wait, as some growths in the prostate grow so slowly that they do not pose an immediate threat to the patient's health.


Prostate cancer affects more black males than white males. Black males must keep a very close watch on their prostate by having screenings regularly and keeping up a good diet and exercise program. All men over the age of 50 are at a greater risk, so annual screenings are highly suggested. A man's diet and lifestyle also affect his risk for prostate cancer. Healthy living can prevent this disease.


Prostate cancer is not necessarily a killer, if caught and treated early enough. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, currently there are over two million men living with prostate cancer. It is a disease that can be dealt with and lived through.

Tags: with prostate, with prostate cancer, prostate cancer, after first, cancer early, early stages, five years