Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What Are Some Cures For Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hairs can be painful and annoying. There are a number of cures that will heal ingrown hairs and prevent them from becoming a problem in the future. There are a number of cures for ingrown hairs that will heal the affected area within 14 days.

Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soaps and bars are a great option when looking for a cure for ingrown hairs. These products are known to reduce inflammation of the skin and are fairly inexpensive. At your local drug store or supermarket, you will find brands such as Panoxyl, which is a antibacterial bar with a benzoyl peroxide base. Look for antibacterial bars and soaps with a benzoyl peroxide base of at least 10 percent. Wash the affected area thoroughly one to two times each day, typically once in the morning and once before bedtime.

Cortisone Cream

Cortisone and hydrocortisone creams are known to heal many dry skin and skin irritation problems, including issues with ingrown hairs. Hydrocortisone creams can be purchase from your local drug store or grocery store for less than $5 and do not require a prescription. Generic brands work the same for healing ingrown hair issues and will cost less.

Dab a small drop of the cream over the area of the ingrown hair, and apply evenly. Follow the application directions on the package, which will typically direct you to re-apply every six to eight hours. Cortisone and hydrocortizone creams are known to reduce swelling and irritation while quickly healing the problem area.

Change Razor Blades Regularly

Many times ingrown hairs are caused by a dull or unclean razor blade. Make sure to change your razor blade regularly, typically after every four to five shaves. This will keep your razor blade clean and sharp, lessening the possibility of developing an ingrown hair. Also, when you are working to heal an ingrown hair, be sure to change your razor blade after each shaving to prevent further infection and keep bacteria from building in the area of the ingrown hair.

Ingrown Hair Prevention

There are a number of things to consider during hair removal processes, which will prevent the development of ingrown hairs. First, if you regularly develop ingrown hairs, you should eliminate waxing and shave instead. Waxing is more rough on the hair root and is more likely to cause an infection or ingrown hair. Also, always remember to wet the hair you are about to remove. This softens the hair, making it more flexible and easy to remove. Use a moisturizing soap or shaving cream with each shave.

Tags: ingrown hairs, ingrown hair, razor blade, your razor blade, There number