Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Build Stomach Muscles With Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation can help with stomach muscle stimulation.

Electrical stimulation is placed within abdominal belts and used to strengthen your stomach muscles by wrapping the belt around your core and stimulating your stomach muscles. These machines are especially effective for training the muscles after injury, but they can also be used for general stomach muscle strength training. Combine the use of electrical stimulation with physical exercise, abdominal exercises and a healthy lifestyle to see the full benefits of strengthening your muscles with electrical stimulation.


1. Secure an electrical stimulation belt around your waist. Be sure to place the area of stimulation directly and evenly on top of your abdominal muscles.

2. Switch the electrical stimulation device to the "on" position and choose a level of stimulation. Select a low level for the first few times you use the machine, and increase the level once your stomach muscles have become used to the contractions. Make sure that your muscles always feel like they are working from the stimulation, but they should never feel uncomfortable or strained.

3. Follow the instructions provided with the electrical stimulation belt to see how often it is recommended for you to use the machine. You should work stomach muscles gradually and use the electrical stimulation two to three times a week in the beginning, and then increase the frequency of use to four or five times a week once your stomach muscles strengthen.

Tags: stomach muscles, your stomach, your stomach muscles, electrical stimulation, electrical stimulation, around your