Thursday, October 25, 2012

Knit Yoga Mat Straps

If you don't have the money--or desire--to purchase a swanky storebought yoga mat bag or set of straps, why not create your own? If you can cast on, bind off and do the knit stitch, you can complete this project in one evening. For a different look, you could do the same project in stockinette stitch, or adapt the pattern to use with a crochet stitch.


1. Cast on four to eight stitches, depending on how wide you want your yoga mat strap to be, using two strands of yarn held together.

2. Knit every row until the strap measures 1-1/2 inches (9-1/3 feet) long. Bind off loosely and weave in loose ends.

3. Measure 32 inches from one end of the strap. Fold the near end of the strap up to meet this point, making sure it's not twisted. Thread two strands of yarn through the plastic yarn needle and seam the near end of the strap to the 32-inch point on the strap, forming a loop. Weave in loose ends as necessary.

4. Repeat Step 3 on the other side of the strap.

5. Secure your rolled-up yoga mat in each end of the straps with a lark's head knot (See Resources).

Tags: loose ends, near strap, strands yarn